The Passive News

How many tanks has Russia lost so far in Ukraine?

Russain Tank..

The exact number of tanks Russia has lost in Ukraine is difficult to pinpoint, as there is no single, universally accepted source of information. Different organizations and sources track these losses using different methodologies and criteria, leading to varying estimates. However, how many tanks has Russia lost so far in Ukraine? Here’s a summary of some key findings:

How many tanks does Russia have?

Determining the exact number of tanks Russia possesses is a complex task due to various factors, including:

Despite these challenges, here’s what we can estimate about Russia’s tank arsenal:

Therefore, based on these estimates, Russia likely has:

It’s important to remember that these are just estimates, and the actual number of tanks Russia possesses could be higher or lower. The protracted conflict and restricted access to trustworthy information exacerbate the situation.

How many tanks has Russia lost so far in Ukraine?
Russian tank

How many tanks has Russia lost so far in Ukraine?

Estimates of Russian tank losses:

It’s important to note that these are just estimates, and the actual number of tank losses could be higher or lower. Additionally, these estimates do not distinguish between completely destroyed tanks and those that are damaged or repairable.


Factors affecting the difficulty of determining exact losses

Additional considerations:

I hope this information provides a helpful overview of the current estimates of Russian tank losses in Ukraine. It’s important to remember that the situation is constantly evolving, and new information may emerge that could change these estimates.


The ongoing war in Ukraine has cast a dark shadow on the world stage, and one aspect of the conflict that’s drawn keen attention is the fate of Russia’s tank arsenal. So, how many tanks has Russia lost in this brutal conflict so far? Let’s delve into the facts and figures, but remember, these are estimates amidst the fog of war.

Q: What’s the current estimate of Russia’s tank losses in Ukraine?

As of December 2023, estimates vary, but a reliable source like Oryx, an investigative project documenting equipment losses, puts the number at over 2,100 tanks. This includes tanks destroyed, captured, and abandoned by Russian forces.

Q: How does this compare to Russia’s pre-war tank count?

A: Before the invasion, Russia was estimated to have around 3,330 operational tanks deployed with its ground forces, naval infantry, and airborne forces. These figures come from sources like the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).

Q: So, has Russia lost a significant portion of its tank force?

A: Definitely. Losing over 2,100 tanks represents a substantial blow to Russia’s tank capabilities. It’s roughly two-thirds of their estimated pre-war operational tank force.

Q: Are there other sources for tank-loss estimates?

A: Yes, but figures can vary due to different methodologies and data sources. The Military Balance 2023 database offers slightly lower estimates, while some Ukrainian sources claim even higher losses. However, Oryx is widely recognized for its meticulous verification and documentation process, making its estimate a reliable reference point.

Q: What does this mean for the war in Ukraine?

Russia’s significant tank losses undoubtedly impact their ground offensive capabilities. However, the war is complex, and tank losses alone don’t determine the overall outcome. Other factors, like infantry strength, airpower, and logistics, also play crucial roles.

Q: Can Russia replenish its tank losses?

A: Russia has a large reserve of tanks in storage, estimated to be around 10,200, according to the Military Balance 2021. However, the operational readiness and modernization status of these tanks are unclear. Mobilizing and deploying them effectively would require significant time and resources.

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